Friday, 11 March 2011

What’s going on?
My team of three arboricultural assessors is now fully deployed in Nuneaton – we have to carry out an inventory survey to provide 7000 records by the end of March. We’re using ArcGIS10 on HP iPAQs, seems to be quite efficient so far – the weather is great so far, set to change at the weekend though which is a bit of a nuisance.

After Nuneaton we go back into Tamworth and complete the survey for the Borough Council there, then the team may well split up – one to go back to Nuneaton for a new style of target lead survey, the others to go back to Oxford to pick up where we left off.

New opportunities
I’ve made a number of proposals to architects and developers recently, is that an indication that the market is coming back to life, or that my profile has risen? I know that there are no end of alternative propositions available whenever I make my proposal and so the client is often required to make a leap of faith when selecting an appropriate consultant.

Don’t forget, you can continue to follow my bite-sized ramblings on Twitter –


Wednesday, 12 January 2011

NOS Reveiw

Lantra SSC's review of the Trees and Timber National Occupational Standards (NOS) is now building up a head of steam, and I am fortunate (is that really true?!) to be able to represent arboriculture on the Steering Group.

I am going to need help in the next few weeks and months and so I may be asking all my contacts for their contribution to the debate - remember, if we in the industry, the end users of the qualififations that will derive from the NOS, want to make changes then we need to be engaged and involved!

I'll also be using Twitter to send brief messages about the current state of play, find me @HazellTowers